Saturday 12 November 2011

Sentinel Literary Quarterly Poetry and Short Story Competitions Past winners

This page lists winners of the first three places in the Sentinel Literary Quarterly Poetry & Short Story competitions since July 2009. You too could become the next Sentinel poetry or short story champion. Your name will be on this wall, and your work in the Sentinel Champions magazine with pride of place in hundreds of personal and corporate libraries across the world. There is just this little thing you need to do: ENTER THE CURRENT SENTINEL LITERARY QUARTERLY POETRY & SHORT STORY COMPETITIONS. CLOSING DATE: 20-12-11
Sentinel Literary Quarterly Poetry and Short Story Competitions Past winners

1 comment:

  1. The training was disappointing, and I found information that there is a essay shark scam, the order was made quickly, the text is of high quality and understandable, this is a good assistant on which you can write any written work
